Works in Progress, or just in Limbo…

Anybody else? I call this ADD – artistic demand delirium. :). Thank you Ranae for sharing your struggles and successes! It’s all about growth and learning from others. Olive your openness!!!

Ranae' Art Begins in the Heart

I tend to have focus problems at times… ok so I actually have them a LOT of times! Today was one of those days. To explain the trouble with these focus troubles I will share one situation of my day earlier. I went into the kitchen to make a sandwich, took out the last two slices of bread, went to throw away the bread wrapping. My trash can is in the laundry room, so I remembered I needed to get the clothes out of the dryer, started to fold them up and heard this very soft ding… ding… ding… Took me a couple of shirts to realize what that ding was. I had left my refrigerator door wide open, because I had originally planned on getting out my lunch meat next for my sandwich and totally spaced it all out. *Ughhh – blush*

I am no different some days when…

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