A call to comment!


I couldn’t help but to notice the disheartening fact that there is a huge void of comments when I scroll though my reader, looking at my fellow blogger’s postings.  Of course, we all can’t comment on everything,  nor should we.  BUT – if you stumble across a posting that’s obviously taken a great deal of effort and time – comment!  Like it too, sure – but also comment.  You need not write a comment that is as lenghty or well compiled as the original author, but say something.  Something.  Don’t you expect the same when you put time, thought, and feeling behind a post.  I do!  Or am I that far out there?

Here is the point.  We want to keep WP a place of quality postings.  If we slack on engaging each other, we risk loosing people who work hard to reach their readers.  I dunno.  Too much?